Steps to translate MYM to MS Money using MYM2QIFW V5.45 1. Select the MS Money option at the MYM2QIFW QIF Types and MYM Version Options screen. This will result in the 'Separate QIF files' option being selected at the MYM2QIFW Step 5 Options screen. 2. Select the 'View Log' button at the last screen. You will need to refer to this mym2qifw.log when importing the QIF files into MS Money. 3. Select File> New> New File from the MS Money menu. 4. Select a destination folder to locate the new MS Money file, and enter a name for the file, at the 'New' dialog that appears in MS Money when making a new data file. 5. Select 'Start using Money now' at the Set up your finances... page that appears in MS Money when a new data file is created. 6. Select 'Set up my finances by hand... at the 'What do you want to do? page. 7. Select File> Import from the MS Money menu. 8. Select the mymaccts.qif file at the Import dialog that appears, and then click the Import button. 9. Select the 'As a new or recovered account' option at the 'Import QIF to Money' dialog that appears, and then click on the OK button. 10. Repeat steps 8 and 9, except this time select the category.qif file instead of the mymaccts.qif file. 11. It is important to do this step exactly as described. Select the File> Import menu item in MS Money. Select all of the maxx.qif and paxx.qif files at one time simultaneously at the Import dialog that appears. Do this by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting each one. Only if all of these account register QIF files are selected at one time, will MS Money avoid duplicating transfer type transactions. 11.5 12. As each QIF file is opened by MS Money, a prompt will appear asking which account it belongs to. Refer to the mym2qifw.log file and select the corresponding account each time. We should not need to select the 'Create account' buttons. Once in a while a dialog titled 'Assign Import Account' will appear. We need to select the account with the same name, except with '(Cash)' appended to the name. Be careful not to select the account with the same name without the '(Cash)' appended to the name. This is because we want the cash transfers to go to this cash side account. During the rest of the import, all allocations to the original account will go to this cash account. After selecting the cash account, click on the Assign button to continue. Sometimes it takes a relativly long period of time for one register to import. This is because a lot of checking of the data is being done. Please be patient and allow the process to complete. 13. After all data has been imported, then the accounts and categories can be renamed to anything desired. MYM2QIFW abbreviates the name to 15 characters due to a limit in the strict QIF specification.