![]() |
Log file with debugging output turned on shows normal operation sequence:
mym2qifw.log file opened for append access w/debugging.
Checking for required MYM files.
Presence of MYM files verified.
M2QMDB Created
Account attached
Trnalloc attached
Card attached
Accountl attached
Security attached
MYMCodeDet attached
Splits attached
Tmplttrn attached
MYMSechist attached
MYMBudget attached
MYMInventor attached
MYM tables attached.
MYM account table copied.
MYM card table copied.
Acct table made and indexed.
Accts dynaset is created on AcctQ.
Account names processed.
Account names checked.
The info for 8 accounts was written
Secrty table created and filled.
Secrty table indexed.
CodeDet table created and filled.
CodeDet table indexed.
Security table import strings created.
The info for 8 securities was written
SecHist table created and filled.
SecHist table opened.
SnapShot for SecurityHistory created
SecHist.csv opened for output.
Security History written
Inventory table created and filled.
Inventory table indexed.
Inventory table joined with Accounts.
InventorCSV file created with header info.
Inventory data written
Cat table created.
Cat table indexed.
Category names processed.
The name and type of 194 categories was written
MYM Win Processing Options: AllInOneQIF; TransInd; AllPort
FormatYear = 4
Opening mymmemos.txt for appending.
M2QTran table created and filled.
PriIdx index added.
TranInstIdx index added.
AcctInstIdx index added.
M2QTran table opened.
M2QTran table indexed.
Processing transactions between 01/01/1930 and 01/01/2033
AcctL table created and filled.
AcctL table indexed.
M2QSplits table created and filled.
M2QSplits table indexed.
The category.qif and mymaccts.qif data was combined into allinone.qif file.
The security.qif data was combined into allinone.qif file.
Money Account Register Processing Results:
Portfolio Account Register Processing Results:
StckSplt.qif appended to Allinone.qif
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MYM2QIFW is a trademark of Response Mechanics, Inc. All
other product names, referenced herein, are registered trade names of their respective
companies. Neither Bank Of America, Intuit, MECA, Microsoft, NationsBank, nor any of their
subsidiaries or affiliates warrants the effectiveness or accuracy of the MYM2QIFW
translation software. The limited warranty is stated on the first screen viewed when
MYM2QIFW runs.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to
Copyright © 1997 Response Mechanics. Your privacy. All rights reserved. Last modified: Sunday October 15, 2000 by Ranny Meier.