3chpv12.zip contains 3.chp for MYM DOS V12 ONLY! This file, along with a note describing it, was provided by Jim Logan. The following is an edited version of the note that Jim sent to me: "People using MYM for DOS v12, might be interested to know that for dates 2000 and up, MYM DOS no longer let you do recurrent CheckFree payments. There was some sort of date error. I sent email to Andrew Tobias and asked him if he had a workaround, and he sent me an updated file which made the DOS v12 version Y2K compatible for checkfree transactions. If you have had trouble changing or setting up recurrent CheckFree transactions under MYM DOS v12, here is a workaround straight from Andy Tobias: Simply download and extract this file to your MYM12 directory (overwriting the old 3.chp) and things should work just fine. This apparently fixes a Y2K or Y2001 date problem." Please report any problems to MYM2QIFW@RespMech.com